Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I H-E-A-R-T Blogger

Deciding to blog was not a spur of the moment thing. This is something I have considered for over six months.

My first concern, of course, “Would I have something to say that people would want to read?” Next, was the graphics – what would this look like? There are like a gazillion blogs, sometimes they all look the same. Then, of course, the web hosting and all the tech stuff that would be way over my head seemed just a bit too overwhelming.

My next concern, “What would I be getting myself into?” I’ve seen bloggers get the most hateful comments from complete strangers. I’ve seen other bloggers, plus those closest to them (family and friends), have their privacy compromised and all sorts of things, truth or lies, published or exposed on the internet.

Yet, 2008 has turned out to be such a bad year. Content jumps out at me everyday. Lemons are thrown left and right. So, I giving it a shot.

I corresponded with a couple of bloggers, finding out what was working for them – ideas, content, format, hosting, etc. After consideration, I started out at that other site. However, after a few days, I found I was really limited in my ability to manipulate the blog’s look and feel. Plus, where were those advertising opportunities everyone mentions?

So, I came over to Blogger and started to play around. It took a few hours. Like 12 hours maybe. Morphine makes me very slow. I think blogger will offer me and this blog more opportunities than I would have over at the other site. Only time will tell.

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