Friday, June 20, 2008

Disability Claim – Cognitive Function Loss

Before I share more about my finances or budgeting process, I wanted to give you all an update on the disability claim process.

I saw two of my doctors today. They both are in agreement I have significant cognitive loss. I tried to do some simple arithmetic for one doctor and failed horribly. Both doctors have no doubt the morphine has impaired my ability to think clearly. Yes, I’m able to write – but my posts take up to eight hours to draft and edit. And, of course, in my everyday job, writing is not what I do. My job entails more numbers, math and calculations - not to mention driving: both to client meetings and job sites.

Tonight I was looking at the disability forms – it was sad because so much of the forms are geared towards physical disability: the ability to walk, sit and stand. And, yes, while I am in pain – the morphine just isn’t as powerful or effective as the fentanyl – which does limit my daily activities and endurance, the skills which are involved for my ability to do my job center on my thinking, thought process, and problem solving abilities. My daily job doesn’t require physical strength but mental gymnastics. And at the moment I'm not able to perform.

Both doctors are in support for filing my long-term disability claim and I have appointments in the coming weeks with them to start the paperwork process. I hope it won't be too difficult and the insurance company is easy to work with.


Sense said...

oh dear. You have had a VERY rough time of it. I'm sorry you have gone through all of that.

I'll be following your story and hoping that the second half of 2008 is full of positive events.

Ms. Miel said...

Hi MP,

This is Miel from over at DINKs Finance. I got your comment about real estate and am interested in hearing more. Your email address wasn't listed, so I figured this was my next best option to get in touch. My personal email is our general email is (James mostly manages this one). Shout me a message and tell me more.

Best wishes,


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if you have looked into this but you might want to make sure your disability coverage covers you if you are disabled for only your own field. If not and if your limits are mainly cognitive the disability company can claim that you could do a job that doesn't have significant cognitive requirements and not grant you benefits.

If you will only be covered if you are disabled completely from every job you otherwise have the qualifications for then I would make sure to stress your physical limitations as well as the cognitive. Good luck.