Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Disability and the Loss of Driving

It has been weeks since I last drove my car which now sits in the garage gathering dust.

I miss driving. I miss the freedom running errands, grabbing sushi, or escaping to a spa for the weekend. Now I am dependent upon the kindness of my neighbors, strangers, and taxis to get me where I need to be.

When I started taking fentanyl last fall I was prescribed the generic product (this was per the formulary of the insurance company), and the side effects were similar to those I now experience with the morphine. I spent in excess of about $800 in cab fare going to/from work and running errands. I don’t have $800 in my budget for this luxury. (Once again, it was my emergency savings to the rescue!)

Years ago when I lived in NY and later SF I chose not to have a car. Mass transit was available at my doorstep and everything I needed or wanted was usually within walking distance – including the grocery store. Today, the closest grocery is over two miles away. I could walk, but between the dizziness, pain, and fatigue, it’s not easy. And, it is a bummer – because I’m supposed to be getting ready for a moonlight 6K fun run in Las Vegas in August.

There is one bright side – I haven’t been to a gas station for over ten weeks – so I haven't been seen the price of gas.

1 comment:

Mrs. Accountability said...

I'm visiting your blog because of your comment at my blog regarding my mom renting a washing machine all these years. Thanks for all the information, lots to think about. I don't know where you live, but I had a couple of suggestions. Does your city have transportation for disabled persons? Phoenix, Arizona has Dial-a-Ride which is by no means perfect but a reasonable option. Also, do any of your local stores deliver for a small fee? Lastly what about ordering from